• Navis offers a suite of capabilities designed to help you get your business operating at full-throttle.

    Navis Solutions Compass Needle Icon Graphic.

We accomplish this through a suite of service offerings broken down in to five core capabilities

Navis Solutions services graphic detailing five key areas: Plan, Design, Lead, Grow, Improve.

Strategic Planning

Understand your environment.
Clarify your motivation.
Assess your capabilities.
Plan your strategy.

​Business Modeling & Architecture

Architect your business.
Model your processes.
Design customer-focused solutions.

Workforce Planning, Alignment, and Development

Align your crew.

Cascade your goals.

Develop your leaders.

Sales and Marketing Excellence

Market to your best accounts.
Grow your sales. 
Improve customer intimacy.

Process and Technology Performance

Improve your processes.
Assess your performance.
Deploy the right solutions.


Identify your guiding star and visualize your destination. Chart your course and identify key ports of call.

Navis can help you identify your corporate Why (your principles and mission), clarify your What (your vision, goals, and capabilities), and build your How (your strategy, tactics, and milestones). 

1. Situational Awareness Assessments
Understand your environment and competition so you can plan accordingly. 

2. Business Motivation Modeling
Clarify your motivations and outcomes so you know why and where you are going. 

3. Capability Modeling
Define and assess your business capabilities so you understand what your ship can do in good and bad weather. 

4. Strategy Planning & Mapping
Chart your course with a lean and effective plan for success.

Let Navis help you plan your journey so you aim at the right destination. 

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Sailors planning their course collaboratively over several charts.
A navigator charting a new course based on specific parameters.


Design your architecture to suit your voyage. Model your processes to improve your speed. Design the right solutions to inspire your customers.

Navis can guide you to design your business architecture, processes, and products so they align with your strategy, accomplish your goals, and deliver value to your customers.

1. Business Model Design 

Design your business (your ship) for success from the get go. 

2. Value Stream & Process Modeling 

Clarify how value flows to your customers to ensure their satisfaction.

3. Product & Service Design 

Design target-focused solutions that leave an impact on your customers. 

4. Project Portfolio Selection 

Select and manage the right projects to ensure you execute your vision.

Let Navis help you design your ship to meet the needs of your voyage.

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Assess your crew complement needs for the voyage. Lead and inspire them with a worthy destination and clear objectives. 

Navis can help you create an aligned, motivated, and productive crew so you can reach your destination faster.

1. Workforce Planning
Determine the optimal crew complement to sustain your voyage.

2. Employee Journey Mapping
Understand your employee’s needs at each stage of their voyage.

3. Goal Alignment & Cascading
Cascade your goals so your crew is aligned with your purpose.

4. Leadership Development
Develop your leaders so you have a pipeline of ready talent.

Let Navis help you align and motivate your crew so you row in the same direction.

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A captain steering his ship with hands on the wheel.
Ship's captain looking out to the future to identify target location.


Identify your target customers so you can communicate clearly. Enable your crew and customers with the tools they need. Establish lasting relationships that earn you repeat visits.

Navis can help you clarify and communicate effectively with your target customers so you can grow your sales.

1. Account-Based Marketing

Identify and market to your target accounts to speed your growth.

2. Sales Growth & Enablement

Enable your sales crew with powerful processes, training, and playbooks so they can thrive. 

3. Customer Relationship Management

Improve customer intimacy with dynamic touch points embedded in your CRM.

Let Navis help you enable your sales and customers so you can grow your business.

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Reach your destination faster by improving your processes and systems. Measure your progress so you can adjust course if needed. Facilitate your journey with the right technologies.

Navis can help you improve your processes and systems to increase your speed, and measure your performance so you can correct your course.

1. Process Improvement
Improve value-delivery in your processes to make the journey better.

2. Business Analytics & Reporting
Assess your performance and report your progress with dashboards and paginated reports.

3. Technology Assessment & Innovation
Deploy the right technology to ensure your systems support your processes and help execute your vision.

Let Navis help you measure and improve your performance so you can stay on course.

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Male sailor working the rigging on the sales to improve course.